

multidisciplinary design practice

A generative digital artwork, exploring the human form. The work follows the work of Eadweard Muybridge and uses his photographic studies as source material.

This artwork animates dynamically, with particles in constant flux: moving and expanding to bring form to walking human figures. As with the world around us — particles and energy are slowly moving from one form to another; whilst this happens in and around us we experience a sense of continuity in our bodies.

Preview image:

/ p5js / The Lab

Generative 2 tone pattern 01/22

/ p5js / The Lab

Just Watch (simple clock)

/ Commisions / Motion & Animation

5 Panels projection


Jonny Norridge, newpollution design studio, Nottingham. UK

Please get in touch for enquiries about new projects and commissions.

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Design Matters

newpollution is the design practice of Jonny Norridge. For over two decades, Jonny has been producing work for a vast array of clients, creatively engaging in design problems, exploring the possibilities of a variety of media and technology, seeking to communicate with surprise and delight.

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