

Jonny Norridge

multidisciplinary design practice

Belmarsh Heights is an experiemntal piece created 2004 with Simon Ward (writer of the original poem).

The piece was shown at Born The peice has been archived here:

“Born is dedicated to nurturing the evolution of web-based and collaborative literary arts. It is an experimental venue for art and literature collaboration on the Web. The magazine’s work has been profiled in numerous magazines and online venues, including The New York Times, BBCi Arts, and Communication Arts, and has won numerous awards including The One Show Interactive, Barcelona Online Film Festival, and multiple Flash Film Festivals.”

Design Matters

newpollution is the design practice of Jonny Norridge. For over two decades, Jonny has been producing work for a vast array of clients, creatively engaging in design problems, exploring the possibilities of a variety of media and technology, seeking to communicate with surprise and delight.


Jonny Norridge, newpollution design studio, Nottingham. UK

Please get in touch for enquiries about new projects and commissions.

Contact Form

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“Jonny is amazing – helped me realise an experimental project (exploring interaction and the creative process). An excellent collaborator” K Coates (NTU)

“We couldn’t be more pleased… Thanks for the creativity, time and soul you poured into the project.” Vineyard Canada

“… concepts looking phenomenal. @jonnyjpg stepping up, taking a good swing and knocking it out of the park.” Mark Crosby VCUKI

“Jonny is a creative tour de force. His thoughtful and considered approach to design is both thought-provoking, motivating and commercially successful.” Andrew Warwick (The Warwicka)

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